In God We Trust

What Is Offensive?

by Dr. M. Sidney Wallace

Dean Acheson once said: "No people in history have ever survived, who thought they could protect their freedom, by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies."

Did France survive by agreeing with the Germans in 1940?  Did Chamberlain secure peace for England by signing a treaty with Germany?  Did the Chinese survive by making themselves agreeable to the Japanese in the 1930's?  Did the German Jews survive by not fighting the Hitler regime? Did General Motors Corporation survive by agreeing to ridiculous union demands?  Is the American education system improving by agreeing to ludicrous union demands?   The answer to all is a whimpering no.

What is so offensive about America?  

Is it because we have worked for and achieved the highest standard of living in the history of the world?  According to our dear leader this accomplishment is very offensive to other nations of the world.  I must ask why he feels that way.  Africa is one of the riches continents on the planet, yet there are millions without running water.  The Middle East has more energy resources then the rest of the world combined, yet a large number of their populations live in tents or mud brick huts?  In 1800 the United States did not have running water, electricity, or indoor plumbing and the population lived in tents, log cabins or caves just like the rest of the world.  What caused this to change?  The only difference between the United States of America and the rest of the world was the absence of an ever present nurse-maid government.  Individual solved problems and were paid for their efforts.  A large number of individuals failed for a multitude of reasons, while others were successful.  The net result was that by failing individuals learned what worked and what did not.   There have been some abuses and when they came to light, the young nation corrected them sometimes with the use of government and other times without government.  In the United States our forefathers knew that failure was always an option; however, unlike every other nation in the world, citizens did not expect their government to provide them with cradle to grave protection.

Is it because we have the best medical system in the world?  According to our dear leader other nation's citizens cannot receive even basic health care while any individual in the United States can walk into any hospital and receive emergency medical treatment without a penny in his or her pocket.  It was not the government that built the American health care industry, so why should he be apologizing? 

Is it because we have the freest society in the world?  According to our dear leader other nations resent the American people being able to speak out against any wrongful situation, either in or out of their government.  If these other nations resent the United States for our freedom of speech then why don't they throw out their own government that restricts them from such a basic right? 

Is it because the rich American capitalist are constantly taking natural resources from other nations without paying for them?  According to our dear leader other nations resent the American people buying and paying for resources from their governments at whatever price these foreign governments decide to set for the resources.

The president of the United States is currently on his personal self aggrandizement tour of the world.  He is bankrupting the nation with his socialistic policies at home and now wants to beg for peace in foreign lands and the reason is very simple.  He wants peace at any price in order to dissolve the United States military and to be able to save billions of dollars in military defense spending. 

Will the United States survive by kowtowing to the rest of the backward world?  The answer is a resounding NO!   The only thing the United States will end up with from Obama is a rich history and a poverty future under foreign domination.

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