In God We Trust

Straitjacket and Tie Required

By Julian Krasta

Ayn Rand wrote in 1962:

“There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.”

“Enslave” and “control” are sisters in meaning: to yoke, to bind, to hold down, to shackle and chain up; to push back and overpower; to stifle, intimidate, harass, oppress, suppress, imprison, dominate, contain, monitor, command. And the land of the free—and the freedom by which the people are bound—is the intended target.

America is in danger of becoming a wilderness wasteland too frail to bear fruit, because scores of the men and women who were blindly voted into city, state and federal positions have unleashed the Seven Deadly Sins against the people to destabilize our liberties, drain our bank accounts, and further weaken our busted economy. Yet those same men and women have, first and foremost, ensured that their personal needs, wants, and retirements are comfortably covered.

The Bell, California, scandal is a crucial illustration of selfish selectivity. The Los Angeles Times broke the story of that city’s officials’ outrageously inflated annual salaries and pensions and benefits, especially that of City Manager Robert Rizzo. Once they were exposed and the digging began, facts of their grimy thievery spewed faster than the BP oil leak: the conscious overcharging of their constituents’ property taxes, unauthorized loans to more than a dozen Bell employees, including Rizzo (who, according to the report, created the loan program for him and his colleagues to profit), totaling approximately $1.5 millions. (A positive result of this exposé is residents of cities nationwide are rightly demanding full public disclosure of their elected officials’ earnings.)

The Bell outrage is supplementary proof that politicians from the lowest to the highest rank deem themselves and their hangers-on the sole and rightful beneficiaries of our hard work: “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.”

Hence, we have the makings of communism: redistribution of wealth (taxpayer money) not to or for the people but channeled into dictators’ pockets to spend (e.g., the $500 millions to Pakistan), give away to comrade-tyrants (e.g., the $400 millions to Palestinians), $6 millions to fund the restoration of Islamic mosques in various countries, and last but not least, re-decorating the White House Oval Office—all with unparalleled and shocking impunity.

What is more, the White House slashed the food stamps fund to finance a $26 billions gift to teachers and government crony union workers. And like dead fish wrapped in newspaper came the follow-up message that the food stamps fund will once again go under the knife to pay for Michelle “America is just downright mean” Obama’s nutrition initiative. Add to this the fact that salaries of government workers are presently twice that of their private enterprise counterparts. It therefore should not be difficult to suspect communism as possibly the root thrust behind the sins of today’s politicians.

Fortunately, justice is prevailing in Bell, California. A breaking news report has just been issued that the Bell lawbreakers, all of whom have gained national, shameful notoriety, are now under police arrest.

Curb, control, and monitor:

Thirty years ago former Assemblyman Bob Cline (of California’s San Fernando Valley) stated, “Control the water and you control the economy.”

It is this type of open-handed conceit that could cause the collapse of farming and other agricultural industries in California—and when industries die so dies the livelihood and the American Dream for millions of people. Officials of that state’s Water Resources Control Board have concluded (based only on a staffer’s report) that more than two-thirds of Californian residents (approximately 23 millions of the total population of approximately 34 millions) who rely on the water flowing from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will just have to “…conserve water more assiduously…”

If California—the asylum for the wicked, the wasteful, and the wanton—ever passes a bill to ration water, other states might fall in line (whether they need to or not). If this were to happen, Cline’s statement on controlling the economy would become reality. (However, if California this November legalizes the cultivation and sale of recreational marijuana (which would automatically disqualify it from federal funding, because it would be in violation of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988), residents won’t be sweating water shortages; they’ll be too stoned to notice their taps have run dry.)

Encore California Senate Bill AB 2358. If passed, it would demand vendors of ammunition to hand over sales information: the types of ammo sold, the quantities, and to whom.

George Orwell, the literary prophet/seer, warned us of the establishment of a totalitarian state. As with water control and the proposed overseeing of private ownership of firearms, Orwell’s insight is coming true according to a TIME online report: government agents can now “…sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go.”

Why we can’t all get along:

Former Gov. George Wallace of Alabama declared, “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”
Segregation has been reanimated inside a party Petri dish by meretricious politicologists (I just made that up) who are openly and actively attempting to exert unmitigated control over the American People by segregating us from our Constitutional rights. They want to force us to bend over and accept as creed their minute-to-minute modifications of what they call the living Constitution. Or as he who (allegedly) authored “The Audacity of Hope” wrote: “[the Constitution] is not a static but rather a living document, and must be read in the context of an ever-changing world.”

Those “audacious” words, to my ear, chime with what Hitler’s propaganda minister Josef Goebbels said on September 15, 1930, after the National Socialist Party took 103 seats in the Reichstag: “I consider this Reichstag utterly outdated, and I am convinced that it will have to be dissolved, because it no longer reflects the will of the people.”

(Note that Goebbels, at the height of party fever, also claimed, “National Socialism is the new religion,” which rhymes unpoetically with the current jarring mantra “Islam is the true religion.”)

“Racist!”…“Bigot!” and other vulgarities:

The words “racist” and “bigot” are oiled traps. Both are being hurled—more often than not without provocation or conscience, but with uninhibited abandon—at anyone who disagrees with actions attributed to or persons connected with the current administration; or at anyone who voices objections to, or differing opinions on, anything and everything.

Conscientious objectors who speak openly against the extremisms at every level of government across the U.S. are branded racist or bigot or both, or worse. If Speaker Pelosi has her way, objectors could be subject to federal inquiry if we persist in voicing our objections, i.e., Pelosi is calling for investigation of opponents of the building of a mosque near Ground Zero. Stifle, intimidate, harass, oppress, suppress… like the students who were accused of singing the National Anthem too loudly at the Lincoln Memorial.

But, and it’s a BIG but, it’s cool for Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (vulgarities themselves, who are always on the hunt for fresh game) to cook up the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), which is intended to further intimidate, harass, oppress, dominate and contain lenders. This new line of attack calls for “a data collection system to monitor small-business loans for racial bias.” Quoting from the New York Post report:

“Bank examiners will use that data to enforce provisions of the Community Reinvestment Act -- the federal law that (after a Clinton-era rewrite) encouraged "flexible underwriting" and unsafe loans that fed the subprime bubble and bust. If a bank doesn't meet CRA standards, regulators make it impossible for the institution to expand or merge -- and in a competitive industry, that's a slow death sentence.”

First, Bill Clinton and his Congress passed a bill forcing lenders to open their vaults to unqualified, un-creditable borrowers. Second, a glut of those borrowers in the long-term could not afford to pay their mortgage. Third, the markets crashed worldwide and home values and sales plummeted (and continue to free-fall) as a result.

Rather than stay out of the way so that banks may seek out and lend to creditable small-business borrowers, the government is preparing to flap and hover like a vulture and prey on lenders they suspect aren’t playing by their transient rules.

If government micro-manages banks, as they endeavor to do with everything and everyone both public and private, they will stifle the economy to the point where there will be minus-zero growth and nonstop down-spiraling of what remains of our financial integrity. Yoke, bind, hold down, shackle.

Death to the West:
If money isn’t your concern (and it shouldn’t be according to Saul Alinsky and B. Hussein “At some point you’ve made enough money” Obama), then target your concern at the apostates of radical Islam and their intention to forcibly conquer the world and make everyone stoop to Allah. Take a hard listen to mullahs and clerics who are casting bloodthirsty looks at America and saying, “You’re next.

Still not convinced? Take a hard look at this video of how the “religion of peace”—to which B.H. Obama bows and scrapes, defends and raptures over—is steamrolling unchecked through the streets of Paris, France.

If you viewed the video and are now rethinking how to better use your mileage points, look at and listen to what the Ground Zero mosque Imam Rauf said (on CNN) about the construction of a Muslim temple adjacent to the place where thousands died and a like number were injured, whose mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and children suffer over to this day: “If this is not handled correctly, this crisis could become much bigger than the Danish cartoon crisis, which resulted in attacks on Danish embassies in various parts of the Muslim world. If we don't handle this crisis correctly it could become something which could really become very, very, very dangerous indeed.”

Centralized supremacy and the potential for absolute power:

There is no question that the state wants control over every aspect of our lives. I don’t mean one or all of the “57 states”; I mean “the state,” as in single-party or dominant-party rule by which there are limited or no markets and only marginal worker self-management.

For the doubters amongst you, sit back and take a long, hard read of the “historic” tax hikes that will become effective in approximately 120 days. If these hikes come to pass—and if you voted for Obama—, ask yourself, “Is this the change I bargained for?” as you re-calculate increases in the cost of living against your increasingly shrinking paycheck.

Not enough? How about a Senate bill entitled Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act? This bill is being pushed by Joe Lieberman, by which the man in the Oval Office would be given a “kill switch” to shut down the Internet. Even if it doesn’t pass, the mere attempt of its creation exposes a contumacious mindset amongst the present powers, which is to spitefully sweep over and pull rank on every scrap of freedom that is justly ours, for which valiant heralds sacrificed, fought and died for our sake.

American citizens are on the brink of being relegated to the “industrial working class,” condemned to subsistence under the lash of democratic centralism; in other words, when a resolution is passed by the dominant party all discussion ends: we would live, breathe and die by their decisions, their mandates, their madness.

* * * * *

The current dominant ruling party is hurriedly preparing one-size-fits-all straitjackets for American men, women and children, and are rushing like the little devils they are to line us up for more shock treatments before November 2nd deadline.

If the majority of voters on that drop-dead date make the same mistake and allow those present in office to remain in office, we all might as well hop onto the backs of psychotic bulls and ride them straight into a burning barn, which would not be as insane as continuing to permit the gross insanities popping up daily in the hallowed halls of justice and government, as well as worldwide.

There is one minor consolation: the Time Warner Center in Manhattan—a strategic nucleus for leftwing biased reporting—is infested with bed bugs. I’m guessing that the term “intelligent design” didn’t go over well with the heavenly hierarch, and this plague might very well be the first of many, called payback.
Julian Krasta may be contacted at

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