In God We Trust

Save America From Would-Be Covert Election Thief, Big DNC Boss Barrack Obama


By Judi McLeod

Theft of an election…Death of the Republic

From the perfect protectionary cover of covert activism, former President Barack Hussein Obama works overtime to rob Americans of their country.

He’s been doing so without having to break a sweat, working from a luxurious mansion with the protection of Secret Service.  For Obama stealing the country is like a walk in the park.

Loathing America is what motivates the twice elected president. Over more than a decade, nothing but his address has changed ever since he boasted that he would “fundamentally Transform America” five days before his first election.

Obama’s latest treachery in controlling future elections is downright jaw-dropping

In the 2020 election, his wife Michelle started early in adding to election confusion with a Mail-In Vote she had the gall to describe as “non-partisan”.

The outcome of the 2020 vote is as dubious three months later as it was on Election Night when the media crowned scandal-ridden Joe Biden President—even as the masses were still voting.

With the Supreme Court adamantly refusing to investigate, Election 2020 is all but dead and gone.

Obama is now out for the kill fixing to make stolen elections a routine way of American life.

Incredibly no one seems able or willing to try to out him!

Obama’s latest treachery in controlling future elections is downright jaw-dropping:

“Republicans know that Democrats win when more people cast their ballot. That’s why, coming off the backs of historic voter turnout and Democratic victories in 2020, their main strategy is suppressing the vote. (latest missive from DNC HQ)

“Republicans have already proposed at least 165 pieces of legislation to restrict voting access in 33 states this year. And we simply cannot afford to leave those attacks unanswered.

Marxist Projection

“As the sole organization tasked with electing Democrats from the bottom of the ticket to the top, the DNC is committed to funding expensive voter protection litigation, running a round-the-clock voter protection hotline, and so much more. Each of those efforts is going to be all the more important as Republicans attempt to suppress votes and voices in the months ahead.

“Each of those efforts is going to be all the more important as Republicans attempt to suppress votes and voices in the months ahead”?

In Marxist Projection 101, Obama’s turning the questionable outcome of Election 2020 on the Republicans and the millions who voted for them.

This time he’s kidding the whole country!

But next time out, Obama is going for broke.

“Can I count on you to donate $7 to the DNC today so that our party is well funded to combat Republican voter suppression efforts and continue electing Democrats all across the country? (DNC HQ)

“We turned out a record number of voters last year, and that turnout was key to flipping states like Georgia and Arizona. That’s exactly why Republicans are already proposing legislation to implement new voter ID requirements, eliminate permanent early voter lists, require mail ballots be notarized, and reduce registration options. But these “tactics” are not new.

Saving America from Obama and the Democrats is essential if the Republic is to be saved

“The DNC was able to fight back and strike down many onerous voter suppression efforts by the Republican Party in 2020, and that is thanks to folks like you who chipped in what you could, when you could. We must take these threats to voter suppression just as seriously and respond urgently.

“The DNC is positioned to take on this nationwide Republican voter suppression campaign. But combating such aggressive efforts will take a tremendous amount of resources. That’s why your support is critical in this moment—because we need to keep our voter protection programs running strong, and that type of work is incredibly expensive.

“Please, consider donating $7 to the DNC today so that we have the resources to fight for what is right and elect Democrats nationwide.

Only the DNC should have “the resources to fight for what is right?

Is this a joke?

Theft of an election is Death of the Republic.

Obama was always more proficient at Horse Hockey, than he was at golf.

Tragically, the Puppet President he installed in the Oval Office, is already leading the U.S. into political unrest, poverty and depression.

Saving America from Obama and the Democrats is essential if the Republic is to be saved.

Never in history has the cry of STOP THIEF! ever been more meaningful.