In God We Trust


My dearest, dearest Ann;

I apologize.  Like the old-fashioned mop-duster in the ‘Swiffer’ ad, I implore of you, “Baby Come Back”.

In a recent ‘Dear Anne’ (sic) letter to you - posted here at,  I was conceding that you had remained silent on the issue of the blatantly fraudulent C.O.L.B. and the subsequent treasonous usurpation of the office of our Presidency by Mr. Soetoro (aka Obama) because of threats to all columnists and radio and TV personalities to lose their voice if they dared to speak about the dreaded ‘Birth Certificate’.  But I, as well as millions of other Patriotic American admirers, were much taken aback by your calling us, gasp, ‘CRANKS’, - and on the father-of-the-Birthers forum, World Net Daily, no less.  Such gall and effrontery seemed to be, well, beyond the pale.

However, I just viewed your speech before the Young America’s Foundation on Friday, August 7, 2009 on C-SPAN, when I heard your 5 minute response (at the 1:02 hour mark into your 1 hour 17 minute speech) to Evan Gassman’s request for you to expand on your take on the ‘Birther’ issue.  (The suppressed applause says much about your response).

As you progressed with your explanation, punctuated by your cute little way of tucking your long golden locks of hair behind your ear (kinda’ sends a tingle up my leg, if you know what I mean), I began to realize that you were not only under threat of losing your voice if you spoke about the ‘BC’, but also if you didn’t begin DENYING that it was an issue!  Suddenly I saw a hostage (with masked terrorists standing over her) as she gave her ‘confession’.

Your comments and explanations were so unlike the brilliant, intelligent, and erudite word-smith that I knew, it became obvious to me that you were under extreme duress.  e.g.:

·         The proven fraudulent Hawaiian C.O.L.B. has been “accepted by many well-known conservative publications”.  (Now even the GLOBE Magazine – Aug 17, 2009 edition on newsstands now – has a front page article declaring it a fake!  If not true, they would certainly be slapped with a massive lawsuit for libel immediately, leading to DISCOVERY, which is all we’re really seeking).

·         “There were announcements in 2 local Hawaiian newspapers shortly after the ‘birth’” (wherever the hell that  was – just as soon as Soetoro/Obama decides, I guess). This is easily explained by someone with your proven investigative skills, as shown in your brilliant expose of the left’s fraudulent destruction of American hero and patriot, Senator Joseph McCarthy, in your New York Times Bestseller, TREASON (Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism).

·         “Hospitals don’t want to release a Long Form Birth Certificate for the same reason – when you watch a movie, the phone number is always 555, and all Law & Order addresses are addresses in the middle of the East River.  You don’t release private information, like the name of the doctor, the name of the hospital, that sort of thing”.  PUHLEEZE, Ann.  Puhleeze.  Many, many doctors and nurses would be bragging early on that they delivered the little bugger, as would the hospital of his birth. (Oh! That’s right. Several did, but have had to withdraw their claims to that distinction, until Barry ‘figures it out’).  You almost blew your cover with that stupid statement, Ann, but then again, your captors are not known for their intelligence and command of the English language.

·         “I promise you if they release the Long Form Birth Certificate (and it proves he was born someplace in Hawaii), the ‘Birthers’ will come up with something else.”  (They’ll say) “OK. Maybe he was born in HI, but he has a different father.  Yeah.  Because the father he was claiming was (mumble, mumble).  Nobody could make that up.  That’s something to brag about.  Father left me and went back to Kenya.  Yeah!”
     (And everyone said… HUH?)

·         And the giveaway signal of your being held hostage was your ultimate insult to your publishing host, Joseph Farah and World Net Daily, when you said: “No conservative whose name you’ve ever heard of is promoting it” (The ‘Birther’ theory).

And so, dear Ann, please keep up your great work, while continuing your research in silence on the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on America (and the world) in over 230 years of our existence as a once-great Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy!

I will be admiring from the shadows (please don’t ‘Flag’ me to the, Bro, uh Sis), until the truth is revealed, the imposter is removed, and you can once again be freed from your captivity and can fully speak the truth to power once again.

Remember, we can survive 4 years of anyone as President, but we cannot survive without our Constitution.

Adoringly your admirer;

Neil B. Turner

Carlsbad, CA

P.S.  If we don’t save our Constitution now, I can imagine this schoolroom scene in 2039, somewhere in the Chicago Gulag:

·         Little Johnny: Heil Hussein, Komrade teacher!  May I ask a question?

·         Kom. Teacher: Heil Hussein! Ya, Johnny.  And what kind of a name is that, anyway?

·         Little Johnny:  Historians tell us that, long before our beloved Brown Shirts were formed, Ketchup Czar Komrade Kerry once said that if we study hard and get good grades, we won’t have to go into the lowly military.  Since our Dear Leader, B. Hussein Obama (Heil Hussein – click, click) never registered for the draft as required by the law at that time (notwithstanding the forged Selective Service documents he so gratuitously showed to us), and he never served in the military, how can we determine what kind of grades he got in the 3 colleges he attended, so we can avoid serving in the dumb military too?  Heil Hussein!

·         Kom Teacher: Such a Treasonous question!  You must be one of those ‘Crazies’.  For that you will receive 30 lashes and be sent to bed without your gruel.  Now go to your cell immediately.

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