In God We Trust

Muslims Vs. Freedom

By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (ret'd)

We have a President whose foreign policy can best be defined as one of appeasement and accommodation. Obama believes that if we openly make a show of fawning over radical Muslim terrorists and terrorist nations, they will learn to love us in return -- eschew their evil ways and practices -- and he will have created the climate necessary for us to become brothers. Perhaps that is why he goes out of his way to preach this misguided message at every opportunity. He doesn’t realize that radical Muslims hate us not because of our commitment to freedom, liberty and democracy, but simply because we are not Muslims.

A wise Muslim leader known for his admiration of the United States once said, “No matter how much you Americans help us Muslims and no matter how desperately we need your help when we are in trouble, there can never be a marriage between us, not even a romance. In the end you Christians will always be infidels to us Muslims.” President Obama needs to chisel these words into his brain and never forget them. No matter how much he placates radical Muslims and denigrates our great nation before Islam and the world, radical Muslims will still hate the United States and all that a free nation like ours represents.

Obama’s failure of leadership and his failure to understand the Islamic world is at the crux of his flawed and failing foreign policy. He doesn’t understand that Muslims have little or no respect for non-Muslim cultures and civilizations. Islam is a politicized religion whose goal is to supplant all other religions and civilizations and to build new Muslim societies on the ruins of the nations they destroy.

Islam, at its very core, has no respect for other religions and political systems and embraces much that is wrong and destructive of individual freedom and liberty. I make no apologies: whether wittingly or unwittingly Islam has gone to war against the family of civilized man and is more dangerous than any enemy mankind has ever faced -- including Stalin’s and Mao’s brand of Communism.

Yes, there are many peace loving Muslims throughout the world who do not preach murder and hatred. But almost without exception, they and their political and religious leaders fail to forcefully oppose or fight against those Muslims who do preach such hatred. As a result, there is no national border in the world between a Muslim and a non-Muslim country that is not rampant with hatred, tension and strife.

And, yes, there are those Muslims who prefer living in societies that are more westernized and less barbaric than countries like Iran and Syria. They enjoy societies that are free and open, where women don’t have to hide their bodies under black bed sheets, and where men don’t get beheaded because something spoken has been incorrectly interpreted as offensive to Allah. Still, if Muslims want their countries to have the same guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that we Americans enjoy, they are going to have to stand up for their rights and fight to the death the political and religious leadership that presently enslaves them, just as we Americans need to stand up against Obama’s policies of appeasement and accommodation.

In spite of vast differences many Muslims regard Americans with envy. They are jealous that from birth America has been a free country, not just in words but in deeds. A Muslim can stand on any street corner in the United States and read aloud from the Koran and few passersby’s will even notice let alone take offense. Yet in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia if a non-Muslim is found anywhere near the holy city of Medina, let alone reading a Bible out loud there, he risks being arrested and beheaded on the spot. And no supposedly peace loving, moderate Muslim will lift a finger to try to stop his murder.

That is the evil that western civilization, in particular, faces today. Islam has declared war on the non-Islamic free world. For the most part non-Islamic nations are blind and oblivious to the grave danger that besets them. Is there really such a thing as Islamic freedom or is it in fact a deceptive illusion? And how ignorant and unconscious are the non-Islamic nations of the world?

Closer to home, how naively dangerous is Obama’s policy of appeasement and accommodation? Are American citizens merely sheep being led to the slaughter? 

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