In God We Trust

Silent Majority

The Circus That is the U. S. Clown-Gress!


 By Ron Ewart  Saturday, March 21, 2009

Clowns, buffoons, kids-in-a-candy-store, drunk with power, inmates in an asylum and village idiots best describe the “children” that now occupy the United States House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate.  Sanctimonious, arrogant and infantile best describe their collective attitudes and behavior, with few exceptions. 

The spectacle of grilling the new CEO of AIG, who came out of retirement to work for one dollar per year to try and bring order out of chaos at the company, to protect our huge investment therein, was the largest collection of horses asses ever assembled in what is supposed to be an august body of intelligent and experienced men and women.  It was a vivid embarrassment on a national scale, hardly worthy of what America once was, but symptomatic of what it has become. 
Acting as if they did not know that retention bonuses would be paid to executives at AIG, these aliens, apparently from another planet, set about to filet, tar and feather the hapless Edward Liddy as he tried to deflect and parry the barrage of insults and stupidity being flung at him by this covey of clowns, acting like elementary school kids, playing CYA.
What millions of Americans are witnessing with their own eyes, for what may be the first time ever in the U. S., is a group of men and women with almost unlimited power, playing that old kids game of ”pretend you don’t see me”.  Their antics of passing draconian socialized stimulus bills, bank, business and citizen bail out legislation, and omnibus spending bills loaded with billions in “pork”, without ever reading the content of that legislation, could easily lead an intelligent person to conclude that the congressional "staff" and probably lobby groups are running America, while the purveyors of power play ring around the lectern.  But what they refuse to acknowledge, is that we are “seeing” them for what they really are ..... un-disciplined clowns!
The balance of power in the three branches of government, skillfully embedded in our Constitution and our form of government by our Founding Fathers, has been cut up, covered with mud and put to bed wet.  The occupier of the executive branch is an avowed socialist, most of the members of Congress are socialists and the U. S. Supreme Court is a toss up and can go either way.  Way too many Americans, on the other hand, have succumbed to the siren call of free money, that is, in all cases, not free.
But the U. S. Clown-Gress is a special case.  They are so hopelessly out of control, they could very well be imitating the doomed Captain of the RMS Titanic, with huge, multiple icebergs looming just over the horizon.  As the good ship America sinks slowly into the briny deep, after impacting the consecutive icebergs of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one-world-order, these clowns will reserve all of the life boats, oars and life jackets (they already have) and let everyone else fend for themselves, as our ship of freedom dips precipitously into an angry sea, slides beneath the waves, never to rise again.
While all other humans beings must obey the laws of physics, chemistry and the sound principles of economics, these political dufuses think they can defy gravity, walk on water, money grows on trees and you can spend your way out of an economic depression.  Does any of this sound familiar?  We DID this “stuff” already and part of the reason we are where we are today, is we tried it and it didn’t work and it hasn’t worked and it won’t work.  Because you see, the principles of socialized economics (some call it Keynesian economics) is inherently flawed.  It is flawed because it runs headlong into another principle that isn’t flawed ..... that is the law of diminishing returns.
Your U. S. Clown-Gress, who bears the ultimate fiduciary responsibility to American citizens, is playing very loose with your money.  They rob a working Peter to pay a slothful Paul.  They then rob the wealth of future generations to pay Peter, Paul, Mary and XYZ Corporation today.  They have created and continue to create massive unfunded entitlement programs to buy votes (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) and their disease of fiscal irresponsibility has infected big business and big unions, on every continent on this planet.  This blue-sky fiscal policy where they pull imaginary trillions of dollars out of bottomless black hats, to conduct their version of assuming absolute power, is virtual financial suicide and will ultimately lead to national bankruptcy and all that national bankruptcy means.
As everyone knows, if you owe a debt, you are beholden and perhaps even indentured to the holder of that debt.  If national bankruptcy is our future and other countries hold our debt, they will be on our doorstep to collect.  They might even foreclose on the collateral for that debt, American soil, private or public.  They may even consider military force to collect the debt.   In either event, sovereignty and constitutional law will cease to exist and permanent servitude will take their place.
The clowns in the U. S. Clown-Gress have set us on a path to the destruction of everything that most Americans hold dear, our sovereignty, our freedom and our liberty, paid for by generations of the blood and treasure of our brave men and women in uniform.  The question is, will we let the clowns continue on this path?  The burden to choose the right path lies on the shoulders of those who will commit to defending that freedom and liberty, with whatever it takes.  To unseat the clowns will take a tremendous sacrifice by a courageous and determined minority.  To unseat the clowns could very well take the full energy and resources of the silent majority.  Should the silent majority ever come out of hiding, victory is in our grasp.
Canada Free Press

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