In God We Trust

‘BIRTHERS’ and Sarah Palin are actually just ‘CONSTITUTIONALISTS’

December 15th, 2009

SARAH PALIN has ANNOUNCED HER AVAILABILITY for the PRESIDENCY as a Constitutionalist ‘Birther’..

By Neil Turner

How so, you say?

First of all, ‘Birthers’ who know what this is really all about, know that the ‘Birth Certificate’ is nothing more than a ‘red herring’ in this issue. A Red-Herring because they know that:

1. Article II of the Constitution requires that the U.S. President be a ‘Natural-Born’ U.S. Citizen, not just a ‘born-here’, Naturalized, Anchor-babied, Native-born, etc. U.S. Citizen, but ‘Natural-Born’ - of two (2) U.S. Citizen parents.

2. Barack Hussein (the Long-Legged Mac Daddy) Obama has already admitted that he is not a ‘Natural-Born’ U.S. Citizen when he:

a. Admitted to Alan Keyes in his 2006 Senatorial race that he is not ‘Natural-Born’ when Ambassador Keyes said: ‘But you’re not a ‘Natural-Born’ citizen, Mr. Obama; and Obama answered (paraphrased): ‘Granted. But I’m not running for the Presidency here’;

b. Admitted in his book ‘Dreams From My Father’ that his father was a British/Kenyan citizen when he was born;

c. Admitted (and proven by the divorce papers, now in the public domain) that his mother was, in fact, married to non U.S. Citizen Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (NOTE: When the Hawaiian record-keepers provided certified copies of the Divorce Record, they stated beforehand that it consisted of 13 pages. They ultimately provided only 12 – with no explanation for the shortfall. However, in a divorce proceeding such as this, the Judge would have required a ‘certified’ copy of the Birth Certificate of any minor children of the marriage. The missing page 13 would certainly be the 1964 ‘certified copy’ of by then 3 year-old Barack Hussein Obama’s [Kenyan] birth certificate).

Therefore, no matter what kind of certified ‘Birth Certificate’ We The People finally see – Hawaiian, Kenyan, or Equatorial Guinea (another country that has recently turned up in records research by a former U.S. Immigration official working with Orly Taitz), he is not a ‘Natural-Born’ U.S. Citizen as required by the Constitution. Period.

So real ‘Birthers’ are only interested in seeing that the so-far unaltered terms of the Constitution are met (it takes a bona fide Amendment to the Constitution to change it – a rather long and laborious process, with the full knowledge and acceptance of We The People). We are CONSTITUTIONALISTS!

So where does Sarah Palin come in, you ask? Well, when on December 3rd, 2009, radio talk show host Rusty Humphries asked Ms. Palin point blank: “Would you make the birth certificate an issue if you ran?”, her reply was classic Palin when she answered: “I think the public rightfully is still making it an issue. I don’t have a problem with that. I don’t know if I would have to bother to make it an issue, because I think that members of the electorate still want answers.”

The media would love to bash her (for anything), but not about this, because they are forbidden to talk about ‘IT’ for fear of losing their voice or their publishing or FCC licenses. So she doesn’t have to make it an issue – her constituents will do it for her, and she supports them – the Constitutionalist Citizens of the United States. That make Sarah Palin a Constitutionalist ‘Birther’, without having to actually declare it. BRILLIANT!

OK. So what makes you say she is ready to be drafted for the Presidency – NOW?

On page 44 of ‘GOING ROGUE – An American Life’, 1980’s Miss Alaska Scholarship Pageant contestant, Sarah Palin, responds to a judge’s question: ”Do you think a woman can be vice president?”

ME: “Yes. I believe a woman could be vice president. I believe a woman could be president.”

In another quote from the book on page 44: ‘That exchange, a quarter century ago, now seems either strangely coincidental or a Providential signpost pointing toward my future. And I don’t believe in coincidences.’

We can survive 4 years of anyone as President. But we cannot survive without our Constitution. We cannot wait until 2012 to remove the Usurper, or we will no longer have a Constitution, and we will no longer have a Constitutional Republic.

So just as soon as we remove this treasonous Usurper (and his whole complicit team) from our White House, we will need a firm believer in the Constitution and all of its terms to take his place. And considering that ALL 535 members of Congress (Senators and Representatives alike) are ALL complicit, it means that the replacement for President and Vice President CANNOT be drawn from them.

It is nice to know that we have a ready and capable Constitutionalist standing by to take the Office of President and Commander in Chief of these United States.

Neil TurnerNeil B. Turner
Veteran, Captain
U.S. Army-Aviation (1957-1964)


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