In God We Trust


By Maj. Gen. Jerry R. Curry (ret'd) 

In 1951 when I was sworn into the U.S. Army I pledged in my oath that I would protect and defend the United States of America against all who would attempt to destroy it and our American way of life -- whether those enemies were of foreign or domestic origin. From that day to this, I have been true to that oath and have faithfully served my country.

For a member of Congress or a political leader it is easy to take a strong stand against foreign enemies such as the Taliban, or Muslim fanatics who intend evil toward our country. But it is quite a difficult and sometimes politically dangerous matter to take a stand contrary to your own political party’s stand. The question you must then ask yourself is whether you are committed or patriotic enough to be another Nathan Hale?

Nathan Hale was a Captain in General George Washington’s Revolutionary Army. At a difficult time in the war he volunteered to dress as a civilian, infiltrate the British lines, ascertain their war plans and bring the information back to General Washington. He was successful until captured by the British on September 20, 1776, while trying to return through enemy lines to report his findings.

Prior to his execution, Hale asked his British captors for a copy of the Bible, but his request was denied. However, before being hung from a tree in an apple orchard, he was allowed to make a dying “speech and confession.” It was then that this great patriot spoke the words that will echo forever through the halls of time, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

Nathan Hale is remembered not just for his patriotism, but also for his martyrdom. One wonders if there are any present day martyrs among the ranks of the Congress and the political parties?  How is it possible that our political leaders stand idly by voicing no objections while men like Van Jones are appointed to positions of power, influence and authority within the Federal Government?

Van Jones is a self-avowed black nationalist and communist revolutionary who says of himself, “I was a rowdy nationalist…then…a communist.” He has been arrested several times resulting in periods of incarceration. He could never pass a White House security clearance investigation; yet he is now working for the President of the United States of America!

Isn’t it a bit “fishy” that in spite of his criminal background, he has been appointed to the White House Council on Environmental Quality as the Czar for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation? Before being named a Czar in the Obama administration he was a founder and leader of the now defunct radical organization, STORM, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement.

If Presidents George Washington, John Adams or Abraham Lincoln were alive today do you think they would even consider putting on their staffs a man with the resume of Van Jones? Of course not. Were he alive, would that great patriot and martyr Nathan Hale approve of what is happening in Washington today amidst the silence of our political leaders? Do these leaders care that our freedoms and liberties are being undermined by people who, after back-ground investigations, could not qualify to serve at the lowest grade level in our armed forces?

Where is the outrage? Where are the martyrs? Where are the patriots of either political party, men or women who refuse to object while the America that I -- and so many others --fought for is slowly shattered and destroyed? Its constitution dismantled piece by piece. This is a tale of two types of men.

The oath that I took was to defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The government established by our Founding Fathers in 1776 was designed to serve and protect us. Unfortunately, the government of 2009 is self-serving and in opposition to “We the American People.”

Who is the enemy? Alas, we have encountered the enemy -- and it is us!

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